Monday, 24 June 2013

Why to insure life?

Most important for a man this his own life and health. For that in what that to secure itself a measure and near from an accident a man makes decision to insure itself or near. Insurance can be executed in case of illness, receipt of trauma or death.

All people are death, as it does not sound terrible. Many people it so much worries, and in order that to the near people though as that to keep going, they insure the life. In the cases of death, relatives get the certain sum of money.

Certainly, death it is an extreme case that can happen with insure. Many people insure the children in order that to accumulate money on their full age. On the achievement of child 18 summer age the accumulated money it is possible to take off and give to it adult to the child.

Loss of ability to work too one of types of insurance. If a man works at dangerous work, and the fact of traumatism is great, he insures itself against an accident, if such comes, a man gets some time indemnifications from an insurance company

Life-insurance can be divided by three kinds:
 1. story insurance, it is a type of bank deposit practically. A man pays the certain sum of insurance payment in a year. If on expiration of set time an accident insured did not come, a sum is paid insure exceeding primary on 3 or 5%.

2. risk insurance without accumulation, payment produced in case that an accident insured came. If for a year such case fixed it was not, money burned, and insure gets nothing. It one of the cheapest types of life-insurance.

3. kipp insurance, paid in any the cases, even if an accident insured did not come. Id est you assuredly will get the money back in any the cases.

Is insurance of credit a necessity or additional service of banks?

A man that though one time designed a credit certainly ran into additional life-insurance. Whether this insurance is needed to the borrower or it is additional earnings of banks and insurance companies only.

Two types of insurance differentiate at registration of credit : loss of workplace in the period of payment of credit and death of borrower. If the first kind has more or less adequate sense yet, then the second kind probably the superfluous knocking out of monetary resources for a borrower. At losses of workplace an insurance company will be able to recover not all sum of credit, and just 50 or 90% sums of credit.

In respect of mortgage insurance, then,in obedience to a legislation, will be to insure the object of the real estate in any the cases. This one of basic terms of all banks. Jars give a few insurance companies at choice, which one to give preference to decide it will be had. It is better to honour reviews about every insurance company, before to take your choice. And insurances at other types of credit a for example consumer or credit auto, takes place at discretion of citizen. In this case a rate on a credit and overpayment increase in times, that to result accordingly in a rise in prices of credit.

On the average on Russia an overpayment for the fact of presence of insurance makes about 10 %. Some bank employees do not ask citizens about that, whether they need in this insurance or no. And simply напросто independently inscribe insurance without the privity of borrower. Such actions are not legal. To avoid such misunderstanding turn the attention on a credit agreement, ask specialists concerning these types of insurance. Remember that imposing of additional insurance they do not have right, if it is a not mortgage.

Mortgage insurance

At the purchase of apartment in a mortgage, a bank obligates a borrower also to conclude a treaty of mortgage insurance with some insurance company. Formally, you are free to choose insurance organization coming from the preferences, but in practice, a bank is given at choice by a list from a few insurance companies with that to the bank more comfortable to cooperate.

For the conclusion of treaty of mortgage insurance, it is required to present documents the list of that is formed by a bank and insurance company. In addition, evaluation examination of the again acquired property is conducted without fail. On the special requirements of bank and insurance company medical examination of the state of health of borrower and third persons(guarantors) can be required.

Complex mortgage insurance, as a rule, consists of three insurance foods, namely:

it is Insurance of ability to work and life of borrower. Insurance indemnification is paid in cases to disability(both temporal and permanent), disability, death of borrower. In case of disability of 1-2 groups or death, an insurer undertakes responsibility on payment of mortgage loan
it is property Insurance from destruction and death. By accidents insured on this policy the damages of the real estate will be considered from a fire, flood, other negative natural factors.

Also insurance indemnification will be paid in case of actions of another persons entailing the complete, or partial damages of your accommodation.

- Taking into account prevalence of different knavish charts, there is yet and the title insurance sent to defence of property interests. Forfeiting of property confesses an accident insured right on an accommodation as a result of illegal actions of salesman or person building

Types of insurance

 Presently there are many various types of services at the market of insurance. Such kind as social security exudes between them. It implies under itself forming of money funds for maintenance of the disabled persons not accepting, on  that to reason of participating in a labour process. Assists development of smoothing of standard of life of different task forces. Finances maintenance temporally of unemployed persons, and similarly their  and medical service.

Medical insurance
 Medical insurance protects in case of loss of health from any reason. It is related to indemnification of all charges of citizens, at the receipt of medicare and prophylaxis of health in ambulatory terms; by acquisition of different medications; providing of stomatological help at dental  and other, no less expense measures.

Property insurance.
There is a great number of types of property insurance, such as agricultural pluggings in itself animals and with/Х of culture. Transport property insurance(different loads, aerotechics, river and marine ships). Insurance of legal and physical foxes. Motor transport, state and non-state enterprises. Presently many insurance companies extend the spectrum of objects of insurance : monuments, insurance of domestic animals and apartments.

Insurance of risks
 Insurance of risks plugs in itself productive, building, financial and commercial . All of them have a limit scale of application, because related to the large risk for an insurer.

Personal insurance
Personal insurance on the stage below social and divided by two types of helping it: life-insurance and ensuring against accidents.

Foreign insurers can test complications at the Ukrainian market

At foreign insurance companies that will wish to work in Ukraine on the norms of Worldwide trade organization through the own representative offices. that there can be complications on acquisition of new corporate customers. such supposition was wired for sound by the deputy of director general СК " NGS" by Natalia Pridachuk.

As an expert marks, the main specific of market is covered in that except an accessible product and quality service, a company could offer to the clients and long experience in the conditions of the Ukrainian legislation, and also judicial system. Before foreign companies a choice will appear: either to get experience the forces and dumping or bay from the Ukrainian companies the best specialists in area of insurance, however in this case price politics will be deprived flexibility.

However, new possibilities, that can be opened for foreign partners, will use not so simply, as it can appear on the face of it. Yes, certainly, from one side foreign companies have all chances to introduce for the Ukrainian market new technologies on the sales of retail foods, fresh ideas, system of discounts or comfortable sales through the system the internet.

Nevertheless, an existent market already is broken enough on segments, corporate clients divide between present players, and physical persons practically all acquire obligatory policies only, thus it all operates unsystematic.


KASKO It is published Expert in 17.06.2013 in 21: 32.

KASKO is a company on ensuring of cars and other transport against a some causing, stealing or driving away damage. KASKO does not plug in the spectrum insurance of property that is transported to responsibility before the third person.

An insurer is under an obligation for a certain pay at a coming and envisaged in an agreement event to do a compensation to the person an agreement consisted in behalf on that. To the insurance system KASKO actively the use of different kinds goes the deductibles envisaged by the rules of insurance. KASKO  differs from OSAGO that his tariffs are not set by the state, and in a presence every insurance company the program is present with it own.

Practically every insurance organization aspires to optimization of relation insurance bonuses to insurance payments, specially for this purpose permanent collection of statistics is done with accidents insured. Leaning against statistics an insurance coefficient on that the calculations of cost of insurance of KASKO are produced for every individual case is set. Mainly a preference gives oneself up to the people with age, to the drivers having large experience after a back and with cars intended for family, that is predispositioned to the quiet driving.

It is explained by that for the similar category of  the especially less(related to the damage) are considered and means it follows from this that a tariff on insurance will be most minimum.
 Calculation procedure of cost of policy of AVTOKASKO  is produced both in the office of some insurance organization and in the onlinemode through an automatic calculation.

Insurance of OSAGO

Every day hundreds of cars, filling motorways and roads, constantly expose to itself the risk. And a risk is responsibility. Obligatory public liability of proprietors of transport vehicles insurance, i.e. OSAGO, appeared in our country in 2003.

This type of insurance is regulated by the state and sent to the guarantees of compensation, in case of occurring of accidents insured, i.e. DTP, accidents etc.

Insurance on OSAGO is obligatory for all proprietors of some transport. Insurance tariffs Government expects and asserts. The size of insurance bonus that annually has to be paid to the autoproprietor depends on engine, experience of driver, age of driver, presence of DTP for the last years power. If your experience makes less than three years, or your age does not exceed 22, then at a calculation enhanceable coefficients are used.

Similarly a region a car is registered in that influences on the size of insurance bonus. An insurance bonus depends and from the amount of the trusted persons prescribed in an insurance policy. The amount of the applied coefficients can go down, if a car follows registration to the place, or it is registered abroad.

In any case a damage to the person limits on insurance of OSAGO. So, at a damnification to life and health of victim, a compensation can not exceed 160 thousand roubles. And at detrimenting to property will pay no more than 120 thousand roubles on one victim, and no more than 160 thousand roubles, if victims a few. In the cases of death of victim, 135 thousand roubles rely his relatives.

If a person, causing harm, was not insured, or it is unknown, then compensative payments are carried out by РСА. Also on her all duties lie down on a compensation in the cases of bankruptcy of insurers. Thus, the maximum sizes of amounts covered do not change.